Complex Coordination

Complex Coordination

What is complex coordination as a modality of innovation

Complex coordination is a modality of innovation that involves the orchestration of multiple actors, resources, and activities in order to create new products, services, or processes. It is often characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and complexity, as well as a need for flexibility and adaptability.

Complex coordination can be seen in various settings, such as the development of new drugs, the launch of new products, or the creation of new business models. In each of these cases, success depends on the ability of the actors involved to coordinate their efforts effectively.

There are several challenges associated with complex coordination. One challenge is the need for a shared understanding of the goals and objectives of the innovation process. Another challenge is the need for trust and cooperation among the actors involved. Finally, complex coordination can be time-consuming and expensive.

Despite the challenges, complex coordination can be a powerful tool for innovation. By bringing together a diverse range of actors and resources, complex coordination can help to create new ideas and solutions that would not be possible otherwise.

Here are some examples of how Cladfy Inc. uses complex coordination as a modality of innovation:

  • The development of new Credit Assessment models powered by alternative data.

  • The launch of a new software that has multiple integrated features and functions as a back-office for informal lenders

  • The creation of a new business model that involves the collaboration of global liquidity providers, underwriters, and local lenders.

In each of these cases, complex coordination is essential to the success of the innovation. By bringing together a diverse range of actors and resources, complex coordination can help to create new ideas and solutions that would not be possible otherwise.


Peter Thiel on complex coordination: